Fragile Yearning    

Multi media solo exhibition by Li Ramet, curated by Uli Widmaier Picasso at the Museo de ses Coves Blanques, Ibiza.   Site-specific pieces  showing a diverse range of mediums, including painting , sewing, stitching and sculpture, together with a sound & video  installation. 

Life  is affirmed if there is desire. The excitement to live is felt when one is  liberated from fears and conditioning, when volition is alive. Desire is an instance of freedom that satisfies the human spirit, producing a feeling of aliveness.

The exhibition  ‘Fragile Yearning’ renders homage to one’s spirit’s willingness, to the adventure of opening up to others while exposing the wonderful fragility of the  immeasurable, of what is yet unknown, of the magical possibility.

The  artist Li Ramet (San Juan, 1983) daringly expresses in her work the affective tensions of the contemporary world. Critical of the rationalization of love, she stands up for the recovery of the classical desire that lies within every individual. Her work shows the strength and intensity of delight alongside the inherent contrasts of life, thus reclaiming the unconscious, the fantasy, the incalculable, the untraveled. It is an ode to caressing that which is not yet, to the liberation and overture towards the occurrence of the other. Her vision of existence is to remain faithful to what is to come.

Inspired by numerous artists and movements, her work is a dreamscape of abstract and figurative scenes. The softness of her airy figures blends with colour stains and white emptiness as if it were a poem in a dream. The installation includes works in various formats: textiles, sculptures, embroidery, sewing pieces and a sound recording. Her mastery of the arts is as expansive as the immense delicacy and spirituality that overflows from her work.

Li Ramet claims for a world lived with passion and feelings, with consequences. Using her extensive talents, she confronts the fear of emotion with the intentto regain stimulus. She invites us to transform the world through our sensuality,to reach the utter joy of the person who feels. Of the individual who lives their life with freedom.

Text by José Alarcón